*Please be aware that experience is not needed, unless noted*
What to Expect as an Extra
Call time could be as early as 5:30 a.m. and filming days can last up to 12+ hours therefore, please come prepared. Typically, production films Monday-Friday, but there are occasional Saturdays.
Pay rates will vary per production and role, as well as the electronic voucher systems used. You MUST complete your electronic paperwork in order to get paid. Please allow 2-3 weeks to receive your payment.
The most common systems utilized in the industry are RABS and Everyset.
Lunch is provided in each production midway through the filming day. Please keep in mind that set days can last up to 12+ hrs.
Although, catering has a variety of food, they do not always cater to all dietary restrictions.
Due to security and other production factors, location is only released to those booked. Those booked will be notified the evening/night prior. DO NOT SHARE the location with ANYONE. Doing so will compromise filming, cause security issues, and you will be dismissed.
Once you have arrived at the address, you will follow the signs for extras parking, and hop onto a shuttle bus. Please let the driver know you are an extra and need to go to location to check-in.
Like the location, you will be notified whenever wardrobe information is updated. Typically, the information is posted on the Costume Department’s blog the night before. Please wear your best option and bring at least 4 different options (you may bring a bag or suitcase).
Costumes may let you borrow clothes for that day, make sure you are attentive to them and give them back at the end of the day. It is the property of the production. If it goes missing you will be responsible for the cost.
We cannot stress enough BE AWARE of your surroundings. This is a very quick-paced environment and most crew members are moving around working. Please be careful of equipment around you and what is going on in your surrounding. There will be a lot of downtime, therefore we recommend bringing a book :)
MOST IMPORTANTLY, DO NOT approach actors or directors. Especially, with COVID-19, we do not want to put them at risk because it will set the entire production back. Additionally, PLEASE respect their privacy and space. If they want to talk to you, they will approach you.
What WE Expect from YOU
Once you are booked, you will be notified of your call time the evening/night prior via a message from CastGen. PLEASE factor in possible traffic, parking, and shuttle ride in order to get to the check-in promptly.
There is ZERO TOLERANCE for posting photos or videos of the set, scene, or any content of the production. While signing your start paperwork, you will sign an NDA.
The Background Production Assistant will give you an idea of what to do on set. Actions may vary from walking down a hallway, eating at a diner, dancing at a party, or acting surprised at the news given. Regardless of what you do, DO NOT LOOK AT THE CAMERA, it takes the viewer’s focus from the scene and you may cause the production to do another take.
Set days are long 10-12+ hrs, therefore you MUST be free the ENTIRE DAY. Please bring what was listed on Castifi and make sure to bring snacks, necessary medications, and warm/breezy clothes for when you are not on set.
TW Cast & Recruit has been built on a foundation of respect, integrity, communication, and trust. As a result, sexual harassment, harassment, and/or discrimination of any kind are not tolerated.
If you feel that you have experience this while on one of the sets in which we are casting the extras please notify us, so that we may take the proper steps to notify the appropriate people in the production(s).
Please note that reporting harassment and/or discrimination will NEVER dictate whether or not you will get rehired
Tattoo guidelines vary per production and role. If you have a visible tattoo, for legal reasons, you MUST have a signed permission/release letter from the tattoo artist. Send a scanned letter to the appropriate production email.
To whom it may concern,
I, (tattoo artist), designed the tattoos on (your name) and I give (the film production company) permission to display my art on camera.
(Tattoo Artist)
Please see the following link in regards minor worker's permit.